Python Turtle Quiz Game

Your goal is to create a quiz game using Python Turtle. You can work solo or with a partner. If you pair up – that’s great – and you get to add more features!

Your program will include the following elements:

  1. an opening graphic with Turtle shapes and text to welcome you to the game. Think annoying game show opener! Code for text:
    turtle.write(“Wheel of Fortune”, font=(“Verdana”,15, “bold”))
  2. write at least five questions (ten questions if you are with a partner) and possible answers for your player.
  3. using if/else statements for each question.
  4. use a custom Turtle graphic for a right answer (like a smiley face). Create this graphic as a function so you can easily call it as needed. Don’t use my sample check mark – you get to make your own graphic.
  5. use a custom Turtle graphic for an incorrect answer (like a sad face). Create this graphic as a function so you can easily call it depending on whether the question is right or wrong.
  6. when the game ends then use turtle.write (“the end!”) to finish it off. IF you are working with a partner, make a closing turtle graphic.

You choose the subject of your quiz. That’s more fun.

Question types – at least five – you can go with multiple choice OR one word short answer. If you are working with a partner then include at least 10 quiz questions.

As always, here’s some starter code: