9-28 & 9-29-23

Next week has a different schedule – you won’t believe what happens on Wednesday!

New Meta Quest Headset (keep scrolling for today’s plan)

In honor of this week’s scientific and space achievement, you get to start work on an Asteroids game in Scratch.  Due next Tuesday/Wednesday.

Plus there is Khan Academy! Yay.

9-26 & 9-27-23

I hope your three day weekend brought you peace and some good times.


  1. there is fresh Khan Academy that is due on Thursday/Friday.
  2. finish up the Apple Catcher Mods assignment that is due at the end of class on today.

It’s the classic start to an alien invasion/sci-fi horror movie. And the science behind this is amazing.

After a 1.2 billion mile return trip, a spacecraft has returned material from an asteroid to Earth.


  1. there is fresh Khan Academy that is due on Thursday/Friday.
  2. finish up the Apple Catcher Mods assignment that is due at the end of class on today.


Today I’m helping Tyler get setup at school. I hope you have a good three day weekend.

Please be respectful to your guest teacher:
-focus on your classwork for this class
-no food drink in the room
-one at a time to the restroom

You get to build a classic arcade game today. Lucky.

due by the end of class today: Complete your Space Invaders game.  Click here for the Space Invaders tutorial.

start the Apple Catcher Mods assignment that is due at the end of class on Wednsday.


Hello! I’m not able to join you today but – fear not – there is work to be done.

Please be respectful of your substitute teacher today and remember:
-don’t get distracted by your phone
-one person out a time for the restroom

  1. Your Scratch Pong Mod game is due at the end of class today.
  2. There is fresh Khan Academy due at the end of class on Tuesday/Wednesday.


Las Vegas Hotel and Casino Chains Fall Victim to Cyberattack
-one paid a $15 million ransom to attackers
-attackers used LinkedIn info as a starter to gain access to employee’s account
-rumors of customer data (credit card info) being sold online

Finish up any Khan Academy work – due at the end of class today.

Our next program builds off of the Scratch Pong game that you have built.

For your next move, you will make a copy of your original Pong game and modify it to add more features and thrills. Click here for the full story about Scratch Pong Mods.