2-28 & 3-1-23

TikTok will limit teens to 60 minutes of screen time a day (but you can turn the limit off)

Today I bring a new level of excitement – lists and dictionaries.

Follow the link below for a dynamic video presentation on the joy of using dictionaries in Python. Then you get to modify a program using dictionaries!

Click here for today’s work.


I’m home today with a cold and cough.

Did you get any Mt. Tam snow photos?

I’ve made your Basic Calculator due today (2/27) instead of before break so you can finish it up today without any late penalty.

2-16 & 2-17-23

Wrap up your fascinating Python Calculator and turn it in today. Otherwise, I have no new Python work for you. Today is an opportunity for you to catch up on work for this class.

Instead – you have always had an amazing idea for a t-shirt. You can sell them online FOR FREE.

I’ve made over $800 selling t-shirts and other items through print-on-demand services. It has cost me nothing but time and creativity.

These sites let you upload a design to a wide variety of products. From t-shirts to mugs to skateboards (zazzle even has food).

Make good choices about your messaging and how you represent yourself.

Before you post an item for sale on Zazzle make sure that you create a store.




…and for something more photographic try fineartamerica.com