4-28 & 4-29-22

Exam prep-

You should be recording your demo video AND working on your written responses. The deadline to submit your performance task (program) is next Monday, May 2nd at 8:59pm PST (11:59pm EST). Do not wait until that night to submit – last year technical issues made this a nightmare.
Exam resources:
Scoring Guidelines (rubric)
2022 Webinar video
Create task samples with programs and written responses
AP Principles Exam guidlines
>Written Response Guidelines – pages 3-9
>Guidelines for Completing the Performance Task (writing the program) – pages 11-15

Tech Explorers-

Today, you begin part 1 of three parts to design a simple app in Thunkable.

Before you dig in to the tutorial below, please note:
1. when you start your app, uncheck “use drag and drop”.
2. in the tutorial, they refer to avatars but they are just really graphics. If you want to stick with an avatar look then click here for loads of free avatar-style graphics.
3. the tutorial moves at a fast pace so plan on starting and stopping as needed.

4-26 & 4-27-22

Exam prep-

You should be recording your demo video AND working on your written responses. The deadline to submit your performance task (program) is next Monday, May 2nd at 8:59pm PST (11:59pm EST). Do not wait until that night to submit – last year technical issues made this a nightmare.
Exam resources:
Scoring Guidelines (rubric)
2022 Webinar video
Create task samples with programs and written responses
AP Principles Exam guidlines
>Written Response Guidelines – pages 3-9
>Guidelines for Completing the Performance Task (writing the program) – pages 11-15

App creation – adding and playing back sound- credit for sound file: SoundHelix Song 1, by T. Schürger. Listen to it and other sample audio at https://www.soundhelix.com/audio-exam…

Before you start:
1. keep drag and drop checked
2. use the URl of your sound effect
3. note that the tutorial starts with blocks and then goes to design – the opposite of what we are used.

4-19 & 4-20-22

Exam prep-
Exam resources:
Scoring Guidelines (rubric)
2022 Webinar video
Create task samples with programs and written responses
AP Principles Exam guidlines
>Written Response Guidelines – pages 3-9
>Guidelines for Completing the Performance Task (writing the program) – pages 11-15

Tech Exploration Group-
After you have finished the translator app (scroll down to yesterday’s agenda) then you get to build an app that recognizes and labels objects. Click here for the details.


Exam prep-
Exam resources:
Scoring Guidelines (rubric)
2022 Webinar video
Create task samples with programs and written responses
AP Principles Exam guidlines
>Written Response Guidelines – pages 3-9
>Guidelines for Completing the Performance Task (writing the program) – pages 11-15

Tech Exploration group-
We will begin making some drag-and-drop apps.
1. point your browser to thunkable.com.
2. Create an account – you can choose the option that works best for you.
3. We will start by building a text-to-speech app together. Let. Us. Begin.

Once you have made your text to speech app, follow the tutorial below to make a translation app. NOTE: uncheck “drag and drop” before you start.


Exam prep-
Exam resources:
Scoring Guidelines (rubric)
2022 Webinar video
Create task samples with programs and written responses
AP Principles Exam guidlines
>Written Response Guidelines – pages 3-9
>Guidelines for Completing the Performance Task (writing the program) – pages 11-15

Tech Exploration-

Your next move in Photoshop is freedom of choice. Plus freedom from me TELLING you what to make!

Visit the links below and choose one of the available tutorials for inspiration. All I ask is that you turn in a before and after of your image when you are done.
15 Creative Photoshop Ideas
50 Creative Things To Do in Photoshop


Seniors – we need to make sure that your Chromebook works before tomorrow’s testing:

  1. Please turn on your ChromeBook but DO NOT to log in.
  2. Look at the bottom of the screen and make sure that you see something that says “apps.” Click on the “Apps” to verify that “SecureTestBrowser” appears.
  3. If you don’t see Apps or SecureTestBrowser then please visit the IT department during this class to get it fixed. Thanks.

Exam prep-
Exam resources:
Scoring Guidelines (rubric)
2022 Webinar video
Create task samples with programs and written responses
AP Principles Exam guidlines
>Written Response Guidelines – pages 3-9
>Guidelines for Completing the Performance Task (writing the program) – pages 11-15

Tech Exploration-

Your next move in Photoshop is freedom of choice. Plus freedom from me TELLING you what to make!

Visit the links below and choose one of the available tutorials for inspiration. All I ask is that you turn in a before and after of your image when you are done.
15 Creative Photoshop Ideas
50 Creative Things To Do in Photoshop