1-27 & 1-28

Today we are taking a break from Pygame Snake. I appreciate the work and focus that you have applied to these tutorials.

There are a series of Khan Academy setup and waiting for you. We will return to finish Snake next week.

1-25 & 1-26

Today’s goal: complete Part 3: Pygame Snake.

  1. before you move on to Part 3, please turn in Part 2  on Canvas.
  2. then copy/paste your Part 2 code into a new replit. This gives me a version of Part 2 Snake to assess.
  3. after you create a new replit for Part 3, click here for the chapters to follow for Part 3: Snake.

1-20 & 1-21

You can find the zoom in canvas as a pinned announcement.

We continue our work with Pygame to build Snake – this is Part 2: Pygame Snake.

  1. before you move on to Part 2, please turn in Part 1 on Canvas.
  2. then copy/paste your Part 1 code into a new replit. This gives me a version of Part 1 Snake to assess.
  3. after you create a new replit for Part 2, click here for the chapters to follow for Part 2: Snake.


And so we begin with PyGame.

Today I would like you to complete this introduction to PyGame using Replit.

Click here for the tutorial but keep reading – I’ve added two more steps after you have completed the program in the tutorial.

  1. AFTER you have finished the program as outlined in the tutorial I would like you to replace the tennis ball image with the image of your choice. In my case, I replaced the tennis ball with an image of Jack Black.
  2. Add a comment to the first line of your program with your first and last name. Use a hashtag to make a comment like #Rod Milstead

Go to canvas and turn in your completed program in the PyGame Intro assignment.