
  1. First period and anyone else who didn’t take the class survey – follow this link:

Class survey

2. Now, I suspect that some of you will find that your html code didn’t save. I will explain live and in person.

SO…..open up the Brackets app on your computer and copy/paste the code below into Brackets. I will tell you where to save so that your file won’t disappear. Remember to save your file as


<title> Milstead's Website</title>

<body style="background-color: green">
<h1 style="color: red">Welcome to my website.</h1>  <p><hr>
This is my favorite website: <a href="http://www.google.com">google.com</a>

We will change a few items:
-the background color (click here for lots of choices)
-the title of your page
-the link

Then let’s add this image. Right click on the image and save it into the same folder where you saved your website.

You will add this code to make your image appear (don’t include the 10 – that’s a line number):

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