
We have some chores to do today. The first one is at the beginning of class and the second one is at the end.

  1. Thursday we will be in the Student Center for class while IT fixes the computers in 127. Bring your charged Chromebooks on Thursday morning- we won’t have any other computers. Don’t count on a loaner Chromebook that morning, either. The school runs out fast.
  2. At the start of class: create an account at W3Schools. You may use your school per personal email. The values of creating the account is that you and I can keep track of your progress.
  3. Complete these sections in W3Schools today:
  4. Ten minutes left in class: follow these instructions to upload ALL of your Thawspace files to your Google Drive.
    Why? Out IT department is going to erase every computer in this room to fix the login issues. This means ALL files in your Thawspace will be erased. Gone. Forever.
    What if I am using my H drive?
    Your H drive will not be erased but it never hurts to backup your files.


This week:
1. open campus at lunch begins TODAY.
2. Thursday evening is Back to School Night
3. Friday is a minimum day: periods 2,4,6 and school is out at 12:50pm.  There is no scheduled lunch.

Today, you will complete your Partner Personal Website

If you need some starter code for your page:

<title> Milstead's Website</title>

<body style="background-color: green">
<h1 style="color: red">Welcome to my website.</h1>  <p><hr>
This is my favorite website: <a href="http://www.google.com">google.com</a>

Click here for useful code to format text in HTML.

Change text background color

Click here to change your link colors

Using an image as a background – use this code – note that you need to save your background image in the same folder as your html files. Click here for a source of webpage background images:

Want to open a link in a new tab? Try this:

Change font color:

Try a different font:

Change font color, size and font type all at once:

will create this text on your webpage:

Link to another website:

Link to another page:

8-26 & 8-27-2021

Today, you will work on the Partner Personal Website

If you need some starter code for your page:

<title> Milstead's Website</title>

<body style="background-color: green">
<h1 style="color: red">Welcome to my website.</h1>  <p><hr>
This is my favorite website: <a href="http://www.google.com">google.com</a>

Click here for useful code to format text in HTML.

Using an image as a background – use this code:

Want to open a link in a new tab? Try this:

Change font color:

Try a different font:

Change font color, size and font type all at once:

will create this text on your webpage:

Link to another website:

Link to another page:

8-24 & 8-25-2021

  1. what is HTML?
  2. what happens after you make a website? Getting a domain and paying for hosting. Check out bluehost.com and namecheap.com.
  3. Brackets: adding videos, making links to websites, creating a new page, links to other pages, using an image for a background (instead of a color).

If you need some starter code for your page:

<title> Milstead's Website</title>

<body style="background-color: green">
<h1 style="color: red">Welcome to my website.</h1>  <p><hr>
This is my favorite website: <a href="http://www.google.com">google.com</a>

Using an image as a background – use this code:

Want to open a link in a new tab? Try this:

Change font color:

Try a different font:


  1. First period and anyone else who didn’t take the class survey – follow this link:

Class survey

2. Now, I suspect that some of you will find that your html code didn’t save. I will explain live and in person.

SO…..open up the Brackets app on your computer and copy/paste the code below into Brackets. I will tell you where to save so that your file won’t disappear. Remember to save your file as


<title> Milstead's Website</title>

<body style="background-color: green">
<h1 style="color: red">Welcome to my website.</h1>  <p><hr>
This is my favorite website: <a href="http://www.google.com">google.com</a>

We will change a few items:
-the background color (click here for lots of choices)
-the title of your page
-the link

Then let’s add this image. Right click on the image and save it into the same folder where you saved your website.

You will add this code to make your image appear (don’t include the 10 – that’s a line number):