
today- if you have or are revising your website please resend it to me.  This will help me to track which ones will be re graded for the semester grade.

Click here to resubmit your website.

Robot update – we have a few more to build.  The wifi USB dongles will be here by Friday.


2018 11 26 scheduleWe continue Python programming.  The links below are good introduction to Python:
4th period: click here for your Code Combat quest
6th period: click here for your Code Combat quest

After you have finished all levels in Code Combat then return to codehs.com.  You will have access to Introduction to Python as part of your coursework.

2. if you are done with the above you can build a robot.  Get to know your future overlords.


The grading period ended last Friday.  If you have not sent me your website today is the day.  I’m stretching the deadline but the school will cut us off SOON.

  1. Website material due:

Here’s what is due at the end of class on Friday, 11/9.  These will be graded as part of your R2 grade.
Your website that has these assignments uploaded to your infinityfree.net.
Your Homepage
Dream website.
Fun with Scripts
CSS layouts
Personal Partner Website – this should also be linked to your homepage.

Send me the URL of your amazing website by clicking here.

We are starting Python programming.  The links below are good introduction to Python:
4th period: click here for your Code Combat quest
6th period: click here for your Code Combat quest

After you have finished all levels in Code Combat then return to codehs.com.  You will have access to Introduction to Python as part of your coursework.

2. if you are done with the above you can build a robot.  Get to know your future overlords.

Here’s what is due at the end of class on Friday, 11/9.  These will be graded as part of your R2 grade.
Your website that has these assignments uploaded to your infinityfree.net.
Your Homepage
Dream website.
Fun with Scripts
CSS layouts
Personal Partner Website – this should also be linked to your homepage.

Send me the URL of your amazing website by clicking here.

We are starting Python programming.  The links below are good introduction to Python:
4th period: click here for your Code Combat quest
6th period: click here for your Code Combat quest

After you have finished all levels in Code Combat then return to codehs.com.  You will have access to Introduction to Python as part of your coursework.


Here’s what is due at the end of class on Friday, 11/9.  These will be graded as part of your R2 grade.
Your website that has these assignments uploaded to your infinityfree.net.
Your Homepage
Dream website.
Fun with Scripts
CSS layouts
Personal Partner Website – this should also be linked to your homepage.

Send me the URL of your amazing website by clicking here.

After you have finished all of the above it’s time for our next adventure: Python programming.  The links below are good introduction
4th period: click here for your Code Combat quest
6th period: click here for your Code Combat quest


Did all of your clocks change?  Did you change all of the random clocks?  Once again, why we change the clocks.

Here’s what I am grading:
Your website that has these assignments uploaded to your infinityfree.net.
Your Homepage
Dream website.
Fun with Scripts
CSS layouts
Personal Partner Website – this should also be linked to your homepage.

Send me the URL of your amazing website by clicking here.

After you have finished all of the above it’s time for our next adventure: Python programming.
4th period: click here for your Code Combat quest
6th period: click here for your Code Combat quest


Here’s what I am grading:
Your website that has these assignments uploaded to your infinityfree.net.
Your Homepage
Dream website.
Fun with Scripts
CSS layouts
Personal Partner Website – this should also be linked to your homepage.

Send me the URL of your amazing website by clicking here.

After you have finished all of the above it’s time for our next adventure: Python programming.
4th period: click here for your Code Combat quest
6th period: click here for your Code Combat quest